Moving Class

Moving class is a system that makes students have to move to the classroom based on the subjects (ex. Math room for Math subject and etc.). By moving class, when changing the lesson during the class, students will move to another appropriate classroom subjects scheduled that had applied by SMAN 1 Probolinggo. But in my opinion, moving class system in SMAN 1 Probolinggo does not run effectively and efficiently.
Firstly, moving class system causes the wastage of time. SMAN 1 Probolinggo’s building is quite extensive and students have to move from one classroom to another classroom. No doubt, this movement takes a lot of time. In addition, sometimes a few students do not enter the classroom directly. They still come by the cafeteria. This wastage of time causes learning and teaching process is ineffective and inefficient.
Secondly, the class cleanliness and regularity won’t be maintained. This is because the students feel they have no classroom, so they feel less concerned. It can be characterized by a number of graffiti on the bench and sometimes the position of the bench is left disorganized when it was left. Sometimes students also throw trash in locker because maybe they think that it is not their responsibility to keep the cleanliness of that classroom.