Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

How is Petroleum Formed?
Petroleum is one of nonrenewable natural source. It needs thousand years to form an area of petroleum mining and the process can’t be separated from chemical reaction. Petroleum is called natural source since algae lives in insipid lake and also in the sea.
            After algae had died, they will precipitate in the bottom of sediment cavity and form source rocks. Source rocks is kind of rocks that contain Carbon (High Total Organic Carbon). This rocks can be the pure result of precipitation in the lake, delta, and also the sea. The forming of source rocks from algae is so specific. That is why, not all sediment cavity will contain petroleum or gas. If Carbon is oxidized, those carbon chains will not be next processed.

            Source rocks will be buried under the other kinds of rocks for a billion years. One of them is reservoir rocks. It can be sand, limestone, or volcanic rocks. Precipitation happens continuously. The more it is buried, the more it has greater temperature. Petroleum is formed in 50° until 180° Celsius. But the best temperature is about 100° Celsius.
            Carbon will react with Hydrogen and becomes hydrocarbon. Petroleum that is produced by source rocks is as an unfinished petroleum. Although it is in liquid shape, it is far different with water. The most important things are the density and viscosity. The viscosity of petroleum is greater than water, but the density is lower than water. Because of this lower density, petroleum tends to move up. When petroleum is detained by bowl shape rocks, so this petroleum will be trapped and ready to mine.

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